Mary Magdalene (Wo) is immune to “all demon Evil Characters and enhancement cards connected with demons.” The details of these two conditions are defined as follows:
See Demons for a list of demon Evil Characaters that apply to.
An enhancement is considered ‘Connected with Demons’ if it contains the word ‘Demon’ in the card title, depicts a demon in the card art, or refers to a demon in the special ability or scripture reference.
Evil enhancements connected with demons[]
Card Title[]
- Deafening Spirit (Pi)
- Demonic Blockade (RA)
- Demonic Deception (AW)
- Demonic Mist (AW)
- Demonic Snare (AW)
- Disturbing Samuel’s Spirit (Di)
- Evil Spirit (Ki)
- Evil Spirit (Wa)
- Following Demons (RA)
- Gathering of Demons (AW)
- Habitation of Demons (AW)
- Partners with Demons (Ap)
- Partners with Demons (TEC)
- Table of Demons (Ap)
- Table of Demons (TEC)
- Two Possessed by Demons (FF)
- Worshipping Demons (FF)
Special Ability[]
- Banishment (Ap)
- Begging for Freedom (AW)
- Blade of Death (AW)
- Blast of Fire (AW)
- Consumed by Wants (AW)
- Defiant (AW)
- Demonic Deception (AW)
- Enticed (AW)
- Evil Arises (AW)
- Evil Strength (Wa)
- Fireball (AW)
- Flying Flames (AW)
- Following Demons (RA)
- Gathering of Demons (AW)
- Habitation of Demons (AW)
- Knocked to the Ground (AW)
- Masquerading (AW)
- Partners with Demons (Ap)
- Persistent Pestering (AW)
- Possessed (AW)
- Pride in the Flesh (Pi)
- Satan Enters Judas (Di)
- Satan Released (Ki)
- Sword of the Rebellion (AW)
- The Power of Death (Pi)
- Thorn in the Flesh (P)
- Twice Afflicted (AW)
- Unaware (AW)
- War in the Heavens (AW)
- Wings of Calamity (P)
- Worse than the First (Di)
- Ancient Evil (D)
- Ancient Evil (G)
- Angelic Rebellion (Ap)
- Boils (B)
- Boils (C)
- Boils (UL)
- Boils (Wa)
- Devourer (Ki)
- Devourer (Wa)
- Divination (Ap)
- Divination (TP)
- Escape (AW)
- Evil Advice (AW)
- Evil Armor (D)
- Evil Armor (Pi)
- Evil Fire (C)
- Evil Fire (Pi)
- Evil Strength (J)
- Ferocious Attack (AW)
- Fiery Darts (B)
- Fiery Darts (UL)
- Fireball (AW)
- Flight (G)
- Flight (Wa)
- Fortify Site (RA2)
- Fortify Site (Ki)
- Fortify Site (Wa)
- Goat with Horn (Pr)
- Guards (Ki)
- Guards (Wa)
- Intent to Kill (AW)
- Land Made Waste (Wa)
- Mist (Wa)
- Number of the Beast (Wa)
- Oblivious (AW)
- Outnumbered (AW)
- Pagan Sacrifices (Pi)
- Persistent Pestering (J)
- Pestilence (Wa)
- Possessed (AW)
- Pushed Back (AW)
- Ram with Two Horns (Pr)
- Rebellious (AW)
- Retreat (AW)
- Sectarianism (E)
- Seeds of Doubt (AW)
- Seeds of Rebellion (AW)
- Separate Ways (AW)
- Siege (Ki)
- Siege (Wa)
- Sinful Army (C)
- Sinful Kingdom (C)
- Suicidal Swine Stampede (Di)
- Threatened Lives (AW)
- Torment (AW)
- Tormentors (Wa)
- Twice Afflicted (J)
- Wounded (AW)
- Wrath of Satan (Wa)