(add description as seen in other Expansion pages)
Card List[]
- Aaron (Pa)
- Abram/Abraham (Pa)
- Adam (Pa)
- Barak (Pa)
- Boaz (Pa)
- Centurion (Pa)
- Destroying Angel (Pa)
- Ehud (Pa)
- Elders of the City (Pa)
- Eli the Priest (Pa)
- Enoch (Pa)
- Foretelling Angel (Pa)
- Hosts of Heaven (Pa)
- Hur (Pa)
- Isaac (Pa)
- Jephthah (Pa)
- Joseph (Pa)
- Lot (Pa)
- Melchizedek (Pa)
- Messenger Angel (Pa)
- Noah (Pa)
- Noah’s Sons (Pa)
- Paladin (Pa)
- Providing Angel (Pa)
- Watcher (Pa)
- Widow (Pa)
Good Enhancements[]
- A New Beginning (Pa)
- A Wife for Isaac (Pa)
- Abel’s Sacrifice (Pa)
- Abraham’s Servant to Ur (Pa)
- Ambush (Pa)
- Angelic Advice (Pa)
- Battle Cry (Pa)
- Best Friends (Pa)
- Blessing of Joshua (Pa)
- Blessings (Pa)
- Book of Nathan (Pa)
- Book of the Wars (Pa)
- Brother’s Reunion (Pa)
- Burning Bush (Pa)
- Confused Languages (Pa)
- Creation of the World (Pa)
- Death of Firstborn (Pa)
- Drowning of Pharaoh’s Army (Pa)
- Flight of Spies (Pa)
- Gideon’s Call (Pa)
- Gleaning the Fields (Pa)
- God’s Generosity (Pa)
- Hagar and Angel at Shur (Pa)
- Helping Pharaoh’s Daughter (Pa)
- Interceding for Battle (Pa)
- Jacob’s Dream (Pa)
- Jacob’s New Name (Pa)
- Jacob’s Rods (Pa)
- Jawbone (Pa)
- Jethro’s Wisdom (Pa)
- Joseph Before Pharaoh (Pa)
- Journey to Egypt (Pa)
- Love at First Sight (Pa)
- Loyalty of Ruth (Pa)
- Manna (Pa)
- Moses and Elders (Pa)
- Passover (Pa)
- Passover Preparations (Pa)
- Patriarch Travels (Pa)
- Plague of Blood (Pa)
- Prophecy of Eldad & Medad (Pa)
- Prosperity (Pa)
- Protection of Jerusalem (Pa)
- Rebekah meets Isaac (Pa)
- Ruth meets Boaz (Pa)
- Samson’s Strength (Pa)
- Sarah’s Beauty (Pa)
- Spiritual Protection (Pa)
- Three Angels (Pa)
- Trust (Pa)
- Water from the Rock (Pa)
- Witnesses to Creation (Pa)
- Wrestling with God (Pa)
Evil Characters[]
- Abimelech (Pa)
- Abner (Pa)
- Achan (Pa)
- Bera, King of Sodom (Pa)
- Cain (Pa)
- Demon in Armor (Pa)
- Egyptian Wise Men (Pa)
- Esau (Pa)
- Korah (Pa)
- Leper (Pa)
- Leviathan (Pa)
- Nabal (Pa)
- Orpah (Pa)
- Pharaoh’s Magicians (Pa)
- The Serpent (Pa)
Evil Enhancements[]
- Abusive Taskmasters (Pa)
- Achan’s Sin (Pa)
- All Hope Lost (Pa)
- Amorite Invasion (Pa)
- Arrogance (Pa)
- Babel (Pa)
- Bad Decision (Pa)
- Balaam’s Disobedience (Pa)
- Battering Ram (Pa)
- Begging for Grain (Pa)
- Brothers’ Envy (Pa)
- Coercion (Pa)
- Complaint of Moses (Pa)
- Danites Attack (Pa)
- Death of Unrighteous (Pa)
- Deepening Lie (Pa)
- Desolation of Tamar (Pa)
- Disobedience (Pa)
- Dream (Pa)
- Gibeonite Trickery (Pa)
- Gifts for Esau (Pa)
- Hagar Dismissed (Pa)
- Haman’s Plot (Pa)
- Isaac Deceived (Pa)
- Jephthah’s Tragic Vow (Pa)
- Joseph in Prison (Pa)
- Joseph’s Brothers’ Scheme (Pa)
- Judah’s Sin (Pa)
- Korah’s Rebellion (Pa)
- Lamenting (Pa)
- Midianite Attack (Pa)
- Moses kills Egyptian (Pa)
- Pit (Pa)
- Sarah’s Jealousy (Pa)
- Siegeworks (Pa)
- Smashing Tablets (Pa)
- Sold into Slavery (Pa)
- Stolen Blessing (error) (Pa)
- Stolen Blessing (Pa)
- Stolen Idols (Pa)
- Striking the Rock (Pa)
- The gods of Egypt (Pa)
- The Wages of Sin (Pa)
- Treachery Afoot (Pa)
- Vulnerable (Pa)
- Water Shaft (Pa)
- Wickedness of Delilah (Pa)
- Wrath of Cain (Pa)
- Covenant of Abraham (Pa)
- Covenant of Eden (Pa)
- Covenant of Noah (Pa)
- Covenant of Palestine (Pa)
- Covenant of Salt (Pa)
- Covenant with Adam (Pa)
- Covenant with David (Pa)
- Covenant with Moses (Pa)